New Features
- New text tool, you can change the color of the text, make text subscript or superscript and add
Greek letters
- New scale bar tool
- Color images can be converted to fluorescent images
- The background color of the image can now be changed
- Cytosketch extracts the size information from images taken on a AKA spinning disc confocal
microscope and a Leica TCS SP2 microscope
- Added page layout, you can choose between an A4, A3 and US letter page layout
- New export user interface, you can export individual images or a figure
- Export images as grey scale
- Cytosketch extracts the image magnification from the file name
- Arrow keys can be used to increase or decrease the background and brightness value
- New import user interface, you can now select the size the images should be imported as
- New style sheets are available, you can change the style to Arial, Helvetica, Times New Roman
and Cytoscene
- Updated default style sheet
- Added keyboard short cuts for each individual color: 1 = Red, 2 = Green, 3 = Blue, 4 = Magenta,
5 = Cyan, 6 = Yellow, 7 = Grey
- Added new enumeration types, the new enumerations are 123 and abc
- Improved crop tool
- Un-proportional resizing is improved