Cytosketch provides a tool to add and adjust scale bars and to calibrate images.
To add scale bars, select the images to add a scale bar to and click the Scale Bar Tool button .
Cytosketch automatically adds an appropriately sized scale bar to each of the selected images.
Controls are available to adjust the appearance of the scale bar and to set the length (μm) that the scale
bar represents.
Cytosketch takes care of updating the number of pixels that are required to draw the scale bar whenever the image is calibrated, cropped, resized or the scale bar size is changed.
To calculate the correct number of pixels, the spatial calibration (pixels/μm) of the image is required. Where possible, Cytosketch reads this data from the image file while the image is imported. If the spatial calibration was not read, a simple tool is available to manually calibrate your images. For more information regarding adding scale bars to un-calibrated images have a look at the Adding Scale Bars to Uncalibrated Images section.
This section describes how to add and adjust scale bars and explains how to calibrate images in order to get an accurate scale bar.
This section provides a quick overview of the controls that are available in the Scale Bar Tool box. Move the mouse over the screen shot below to see a short description of the individual controls or over the description to see the corresponding controls on the screen shot.
It's easy - select the images to add scale bars to and click the Scale Bar Tool button .
To calculate the correct number of pixels that are required to draw the scale bar, the spatial calibration data of the image is required. The spatial calibration data is the number of pixel per μm for a specific magnification and microscope. Where possible, Cytosketch reads this data from the image file while the image is imported. If the spatial calibration was not read, you can manually calibrate your images.
Cytosketch provides a simple tool to calculate the calibration data using images that contain an object of a known size (image of stage micrometer or scale bar). Each new calibration data that is added to Cytosketch is automatically saved. To keep the calibration data organized, calibration data from the same microscope are grouped together.
Follow the steps below to add scale bars to uncalibrated images:
Below is a short movie that shows how to add scale bars to uncalibrated images.
Cytosketch lets you add scale bars to images with different magnification at the same time. To add the correct sized scale bar to these images, select the microscope from the calibration list instead of the individual calibration data.
Cytosketch automatically calibrates the images using the calibration data that is stored with the selected microscope. For each image, the calibration data that has a magnification that is closest to the image magnification is used.
If the calibration data and the image to calibrate do not have the same magnification, Cytosketch automatically adjusts the calibration data.
Follow the steps below to add scale bars to multiple images at the same time:
If your image contains a scale bar that was added with another software and you do not need the spatial calibration data for other images, calibrate your images using From Selected Image.